Grow Your Card
Hello there! Good to see that you landed on this page, that means you have received your Phia Cup order well. We are excited for you to try it out and can't wait to receive any feedback you might have.
As sustainability is the backbone of the company, we thought it would be appropriate to provide an item that flows with that philosophy. That is why we chose to gift you a little extra recyclable fun with your order! The card you have received is made out of paper with lavender seeds inside and as you probably expect, you can grow them yourself! How nice would it be to have your own little lavender plant on your desk, coffee table, in the bathroom, wherever you like?
If you follow the next steps closely, you will be rewarded with a lovely lavender scent.
Step 1. Damp the seed-paper in water for a whole night.
Step 2. In a pot, cover the seed-paper with a small layer of soil.
Step 3. Water your seed-paper often, the seed-paper must be moist at all times.
Step 4. In a few days, you will see your lavender plants sprout.
Step 5. You can now call yourself officially a proud plant mom!
We would love to see the progress of you growing your lavender. You can reach us through our socials below.
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Happy planting!